Risk factors information was obtained via the abstract of medical records. 以病历摘录法为主要资料收集法。
Then computers make sure the location important information and abstract it. 再对票据图象中的重要信息区域进行定位、提取。
Empirical Study on Usefulness of Cash Flows Information Abstract In capital market, cash is king. 现金流量信息有用性实证研究在资本市场中,现金为王。
The present study aimed to test the chunk information transfer hypothesis and the abstract analogy transfer hypothesis about the transfer effect in artificial grammar learning. 通过两个实验,检验人工语法学习迁移效应产生机制的组块信息迁移和抽象类比迁移假说。
The content must be consistent with the text, data and conclusions of the review and not include references to any information outside the abstract. 的内容必须与评价的正文,评价中的资料和结论一致,而不应包括摘要之外的任何信息的参考文献。
Meta-service information is the abstract description of resources& services in grid environment, which combines Web Service technology, and adopts idea of service-orientation and object-orientation. 元服务信息是结合WEBService技术,采用面向服务和面向对象的描述思想,对网格环境中资源及服务的抽象描述。
Information Code, Abstract and Accounting Standards& Viewpoint from Information Space Theory 信息的编码、抽象与会计准则&会计准则的信息空间理论诠释
The influence of contextual information on the recall of abstract and concrete sentences of Chinese language 汉语的语境信息对抽象句和具体句回忆的影响
In this paper, the applicability of biomimetic pattern recognition to information processing of abstract objects is studied, and then a DOA estimation method based on biomimetic pattern recognition is advanced. 该文就仿生模式识别(拓扑模式识别)在非感性抽象对象的信息处理方面的应用作了一些探索,提出了一种基于仿生模式识别的DOA估计方法。
The main content of WfMS base on Web includes the following several points: The visual workflow-defined, with VML technology, to realize the figure programming based on Web, and the problem of visual information transforming solved from the abstract workflow data to the shape; 基于Web的可视化工作流管理系统主要包括:可视化流程定义,以VML技术,实现了基于Web的图形编程,并解决了从抽象的流程数据到形象的可视化信息转化过程中所存在的问题;
Information Abstract of Urban Roads on Varying Map Scale 基于GIS的城市道路网无级比例尺信息提取
Based on integrity, we discuss the change of the cluster order after induct adding information and abstract class. 基于完整性考虑,还讨论了加入附加信息的重要作用以及引入附加信息和抽象类后,测试次序的变化。
The Quality of Information Delivery from the Abstract of Thesis 论文文摘信息的表达质量
At here, what show space mean on material aspect, regard as carriers, Exhibition information is coded, abstract and spreads, produce and exchange in a system of showing. 在这里,展示空间所指为物质层面的,以此为载体,展示信息进行编码、抽象和传播,也就是在一个展示系统内产生和交换。
The information abstract and prospective significance of normal factor analysis of R type 正态变量R型因子分析信息提取及找矿意义
The Application of Comprehensive Information Theory in Automatic Abstract System 全信息理论在自动文摘系统中的应用
The main work and contribution of this paper is as follow: ◇ Study to assist video information analysis and abstract technology using text detect technology, put forward the viewpoint that text detection technology is applied in the assistance of video analyze. 研究了字幕探测辅助视频情报分析技术,融合多特征的视频分析与视频摘要技术,研究了辅助视频分析的字幕探测技术的应用。
Because existing information fusion model is too abstract and it is not good to design information fusion. Information fusion universal model is proposed in this paper. 针对现有信息融合模型过于抽象、不利于信息融合应用系统的设计等问题,本文提出了信息融合通用模型。
The image is preprocessed using fuzzy sets on the spatial and frequency domain to cut out a part of redundance information and to abstract and fine the contour. 首先利用模糊(Fuzzy)集合理论,对图象数据在频域与空域上作预处理,去掉部分冗余信息,提取并细化轮廓。
And information technology education should be put into practice on an extensive scale, including not only traditional information technologies and physical technologies, but also modern information technologies and abstract technologies. 信息技术教育应该是全面的技术教育,既要包括传统信息技术和现代信息技术,又要包括外显技术以及内隐技术。
Research and Application on Information Abstract Method of Data Fusion 信息融合中特征信息提取方法研究与应用
Secondly, the key technology of preprocessor on basis of Java Compiler Tree API is discussed, which includes the design of file format for preprocessing results and the exportation of information of symbol table and abstract syntax tree. 其次讨论了基于JavaCompilerTreeAPI的预处理的关键技术,包括预处理结果文件的格式设计和依据该格式进行的符号表和抽象语法树的信息的导出。
The spatial information presented by the traditional two-dimensional geographic information system is more abstract, which is unable to satisfy the needs of people who want to use the spatial information to understand and reconstruct the actual world.3D GIS can display the spatial information more intuitively. 传统的二维地理信息系统对空间信息的展现是比较抽象的,无法满足人们利用空间信息对现实世界认识和改造的需求。
The main characteristic of tone is fundamental frequency F0 and the effective approach to make use of tone information is to abstract and analyze F0 accurately. 而体现声调的最主要的特征就是声调的基频FO,有效的利用声调信息,必须对基频FO进行准确的提取与分析。
Uniform and abstract location information model. This paper designs location logical model and location information model, which abstract and express location systems and location information respectively. 统一抽象的位置信息模型本文设计了定位逻辑模型和位置信息模型,分别实现了对定位系统和位置信息的抽象和表达。
It is an online construction in which the translator integrates on-going aspects of perceptual and conceptual information with more abstract information framework available from bodily experience. 它是译者将实时感知的信息与概念信息同译者通过长期经验获取的信息框架相结合的结果,是一种实时构建。
Therefore, the present research into hedging may shed some light on effective communication of scientific and technological information especially in abstract writing. 本文对模糊限制语的研究能够有效的促进科技信息的交流,特别是有助于提高研究者论文摘的写作。
Information management module uses abstract information management model, in which, CRUD template takes information as an abstract object, achieving loose coupling between operations and concrete information, providing reconfiguration through module reuse. 资料管理模块采用抽象资料管理模型,通过对资料对象的抽象和CRUD模板,实现管理操作与资料内容的松耦合,通过模块复用实现可重构性。
Network topology information is an intuitive abstract of the network and the basic attributes of the network. 网络拓扑信息是对网络的一种直观的抽象,是网络的基本属性之一。
The semantic information is the top abstract form of musical content. It can be understood and exchanged by people directly. 语义信息作为音乐内容的最高级抽象形式,能够被人们直接理解和交流。